New User Registration
  1. An internet browser is necessary to work with the system. Write the ORG home page address in the address bar and press button [Go] in the internet browser, or button [Enter] in the keyboard. The ORG login screen appears.
  2. To access the BRS system, user needs to have login credentials approved and confirmed by BRS.
  3. For a new user to login, user has to submit a e-signature request and get approval.
  4. To submit a e-signature request, click [Register Here] button available on the login screen.
  5. User is navigated to the 'Create New User' screen and the fields are as described in Table1.
Table1. .Description of 'Create New user' screen
  1. On Successful submission, success message displayed.
  2. User receives a confirmation e-mail from RBS and only then user can login with credentials and can have access to RBS system.